
Water pond with buildings in background


Governance Structure 2009-10 to 2017-18

The previous governance structure dated back to 2009-10.

  • There were four (4) mission-based workgroups with tri-chairs that served as representatives on the Planning and Resource Council (PaRC).
  • The structure also included a Program Review Committee and an Operations and Planning Committee.
  • Over the years, additional groups were created, such as the technology taskforce, the professional development committee, and the assessment taskforce.

Planning and Resource Council (PaRC) Archive Quick Links


2009-2010 to 2016–2017

Workgroups and Committees

You can view the old governance committee structure and archived websites active prior to 2018-2019.

Planning & Resource Council (PaRC)

PaRC is responsible for discussing matters related to college planning and resource allocation and its impact on student learning.

PaRC membership includes:

PaRC Tri-Chairs â€” College President (non-voting), Academic Senate President & Classified Senate President

ASFC Representation â€” ASFC President, ASFC Student Trustee & (2) ASFC Members

Core Mission Workgroup Tri-Chairs â€” Basic Skills, Student Equity, Transfer and Workforce

Operations Planning Committee (OPC) Tri-Chairs

Ex-Officio (nonvoting) â€” President's Cabinet, Bargaining Unit Representatives, Executive Assistant to the President

Committee Alphabetical Listing

Core Mission Workgroups

Constituency Senates

Other Committee and Advisory Groups
