Office of Equity and Inclusion
Student Leadership
Looking to build on your skills as a leader? Want to learn more about how culture and identity impact leadership? Or are you wondering how to become a positive social change agent in your community or at Foothill? Then the Diversity in Student Leadership Retreat is for you!
Diversity in Student Leadership Retreat
The Diversity in Student Leadership Retreat is an off-campus, overnight, weekend experience, filled with fun interactive workshops and team building exercises on leadership and diversity, aimed to empower students to become change agents.
Participants will:
- Explore how their cultural identities influence their understanding of and approach to leadership
- Develop skills to be effective servant leaders
- Discover ways to activate their leadership after the retreat
- Build a community of supportive peer leaders
Where: Koinonia Conference Center in Corralitos, CA (near Watsonville)
Date: February 7-9, 2020
Time: The retreat begins Friday evening and will conclude early Sunday afternoon
How to Apply:
Applications for the 2020 Diversity in Student Leadership Retreat have closed for this year. Congratulations to those accepted!
Please use this form link to indicate any dietary or physical accommodation requests.
MANDATORY ORIENTATIONS will occur on January 29th and January 31st from 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm (location TBD). You only need to attend one.
2020 DSLR Cohort:
Jordan Spalding (Team Lead)
Jose Luis Ayala Iniguez (Team Lead)
Joshua Contreras (Team Lead)
K'ronna Harmon (Team Lead)
Stephanie Garcia (Team Lead)
Agnes Eszter Fejer
Alicia Arellano
Dallol Yousuf
Diana Huchim Flores
Elenoa Tulua
Hoi Ying (Clara) Chan
Iman Haq
Jaqueline Cebrero-Abundez
Johana Cuevas
Jonathan Sanabria
Joselyn Avila
Jozephine Yen
Juan Pablo Barrera
Judy Tutuvanu
Justin Harper
Leslie Gonzalez
Luis Garcia
Lynette Desiree Huerta
Mariam Touni
Marya Zaray
Moremi Mabogunje
Nicole Mensick
Oscar Jossef Chavez
Priya Vasu
Ryan Washington
Sara Zuzuarregui
Sivu Palaniappan
Skyler McGee
Sydney Wheeler
Yuritzi Ramirez
Frequently Asked Question's:
Who is the retreat for?
All 性奴调教 students who are:
interested in learning more about their personal power and leadership style OR
already engaged in leadership activities but wanting to increase their knowledge and skills OR
looking to build connections on campus
What is the cost?
There is no cost associated with this retreat. Transportation, room and board, meals, and retreat materials will be provided to you.
Other commitments?
Selected students will attend a one-hour orientation (on campus) in January 2020 to meet the other members of the cohort and receive further details about the retreat experience. Date and time TBD.
Further Questions?
Call or email Adrienne Hypolite, Program Supervisor for the Office of Equity at (650) 949-6197 or hypoliteadrienne@fhda.edu. Persons with disabilities who require reasonable accommodation, please notify Adrienne Hypolite.

We're Here to Help!
Peter Chow, Office of Equity and Inclusion
Building 1900, Office 1905A