To open an account, please bring the following documents to the Office of Student Accounts:
- Authorization form to open an account needs to be completed and signed by the advisor(s) authorized to sign on the account.
- OBD minutes (for club only)
- Signature card with advisor signature and the signature of a representative member of the club
- For all accounts other than scholarships, clubs, ASFC Income & Expenses, a questionnaire for Trust Accounts needs to be completed with the authorization form.
We will forward it to the Dean of Student Affairs & Activities for approval to open your account. Once approval is granted,
the account is opened and we will assign an account number.
New clubs are eligible for $50 one time seed money from OBD. This money is used for promotional purposes.
OBD also funds clubs by granting $100 per year per club and by loaning up to $400 per year. Clubs must petition for these funds. Please bring the OBD minutes with this approval to the Office of Student Accounts for the money to be transferred.
When making deposits, please write the account number on the check(s), this will help us trace the drawer of the check in the event of it being returned from the bank. The Foothill Bookstore receives your deposits and issues a receipt to you at the same time. Please present yourself to deposit the money and tell the receiver in the Bookstore where this money is coming from (fund raising, donation, etc.).
All expenses incurred on behalf of a club must be supported by your club minutes, signed by the club secretary to ensure the accountability and responsibility. The only exceptions will be miscellaneous charges made at the Smart Shop or the Paint Room Graphics. Activities-related expenses need OBD minutes for the approval of the activities. With the OBD minutes, the club minutes, invoices and other necessary supporting documents, the payments are ready to be processed.
*Important information for clubs*
Please note that a new procedure is now in place regarding signatures on the check requisition:
The advisor needs to sign the requisition and a club representative needs to sign it as a "ASFC Budget Representative." This student must be a club member for at least 2 quarters (preferably 1 year) and needs to fill out a signature card. The check requisition will not be processed if one of these signatures is missing or if the club minutes are not attached.
- Payments for services
1. Independent Contractor
The Independent Contractor Form is used to pay individuals who meet the following conditions:
- The payee has a principal place of business other than that of the District.
- The payee is free from control over performance.
- The payee is customarily engaged in offering this service to the public.
- The payee receives compensation for similar services from customers/clients other than Foothill-De Anza Community College District.
Complete the Independent contractor package and return it to the Office of Student Accounts. You have to complete the whole package each time unless you choose to create an open purchase order for the whole fiscal year.
2. Temporary Employment Authorization (TEA)
The vendor is a current District employee and provides services similar to the job description. Complete the time sheet and forward to the Office of Student Accounts.
3. Student Employee
Set up a position with the District Payroll. Complete the time sheet and forward to the Office of Student Accounts. Checks for services are processed through the District Accounting Office. Please request in advance so that the check will be ready for your event.
It is the club's responsibility to pay the setup and cleanup services performed by the custodian staff and the campus security.
- Payments for other than services
To request the payment for other than services, please fill out the Check Requisition form, attached with the required minutes, invoices and other supporting documents and forward to the Office of Student Accounts. These payments are processed through the Office of Student Accounts. Please allow us at least three working days to process the payments.
Tickets for events will be issued by the Office of Student Accounts. These tickets are numbered and must be accounted for, after the event. The process starts with a Ticket Manifest Form.
- Have the person receiving the tickets complete the Manifest form, and then issue tickets.
- If there is a need for change fund, complete the bottom half of the form and take it to the Bookstore.
- Collect change from the Bookstore and leave pink copy of request with the form their records.
- Provide cask box if needed and record on ticket manifest form. File the other copies of Manifest form in a pending binder.
- After the event, check the number of tickets sold and compare to make sure that they correspond to the monies collected (not included change).
- Return change or equivalent amount of cask to the Bookstore and withdraw pink copy of manifest form. Give back the check requisition and file other documents in a Tickets Manifest Binder.
- Deposit the balance of Monies into the appropriate account at the Bookstore.
Petty Cash
Petty Cash is a method of facilitating payment of small amounts of the purchase of minor office supplies items and small expenses payments such as car fares. This method of payment is used when it is impractical to have a check written. Essentially, you make the purchase, obtain receipts, and turn the receipts into a petty cash custodian (campus cashier) to get your money back.
To ensure internal control and correct expense distribution, the receipts must be attached to a completed petty cash voucher, and signed by the appropriate budgeter. A petty cash transaction may not exceed $50 and cannot be used for equipment, part payments, or otherwise unauthorized purchases Expenses should fall under the "other expenses" budget category in the Accounting Services Guide. Since purchases will require approval of budgeters, it would be wise to obtain their verbal approval prior to purchase.
How to Use Petty Cash
- Employee makes a purchase and obtain a receipt (sales slip, etc).
- Employee completes a petty cash voucher indicating the name of the person making the purchase, brief description/purpose, and budget code.
- Employee attaches the ORIGINAL receipt(s) and obtains approval signature of appropriate budgeter. In the event a budgeter makes a purchase for his/her account, the approval signature of his/her immediate supervisor must be obtained (no budgeter may approve his/her own reimbursement).
- Employee makes a copy of the petty cash voucher and receipts and give them to the Office of Student Accounts.
- Employee takes the petty cash voucher and receipts to the campus or District Cashier for reimbursement. If someone other than the employee who made the purchase is picking up the reimbursement, the employee should endorse (authorize) the petty cash voucher by completing that portion of the voucher.