Institutional Metrics Archive
Student Achievement Data: 2021-2022
Downloand Print Version (with Trend Data Graphs)
Applicants who Enroll (Equity Plan) | 30,585 | 41,930 | 48,220 (15% increase in 3-years) |
Course success rates (ACCJC) | 80% | 81% | 81% (in 1-year) |
Fall to Winter retention (Equity Plan) | 10,313 | 10,625 | 12,219 (15% increase in 3-years) |
Completion of both transfer-level Math and English within District in first year (Equity Plan) |
316 | 331 | 381 (15% increase in 3-years) |
Earned a Chancellor's Office approved credit certificate (ACCJC, VfS) | 607 | 572 | 860 (50% increase in 5-years) |
Average number of units accumulated by Associate Degree earners (VfS) | 140.87 | 142.23 | 128.01 (10% decrease in 5-years) |
Earned an Associate Degree (AA, AS, ADT) (ACCJC, VfS) | 918 | 997 | 1,198 (20% increase in 5-years) |
Earned an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) (VfS) | 351 | 457 | 548 (20% increase in 5-years) |
Earned a Bachelor's Degree (ACCJC) | 23* | 23 | 25 (9% increase in 1-year) |
Transfer to CSU and UC systems (VfS) | 1,639** | 1,602 | 2,003 (25% increase in 5-years) |
Transfer to any four-year institution (ACCJC, Equity Plan) | 2,727** | 2,671 | 3,072 (15% increase in 3-years) |
Vision Goal Completion attainment (degree/certificate) (Equity Plan, VfS) |
1,155 | 1,280 | 1,600 (25% increase in 5-years) |
Median annual earnings among students following the year after exiting the community college system and did not transfer (VfS) | $54,139*** | $53,760 | $58,598 (9% increase in 5-years) |
Attained the (district county) living wage among students following the year after exiting the community college system and did not transfer (VfS) | 57%**** | 57% | 62% (5-percentage point increase in 5-years) |
Job closely related to field of study among exited CTE students (VfS) | 85%**** | 86% | 88% (2-percentage point increase in 5-years) |
Applicants who enroll among disproportionately impacted student groups: African American female students (Equity Plan) | 51% | 53% | 60% (7-percentage point increase to close equity gap in 3-years) |
Applicants who enroll among disproportionately impacted student groups: African American male students (Equity Plan) | 54% | 54% | 60% (6-percentage point increase to close equity gap in 3-years) |
Fall to Winter retention among disproportionately impacted student groups: African American female students (Equity Plan) | 56% | 55% | 64% (9-percentage point increase to close equity gap in 3-years) |
Fall to Winter retention among disproportionately impacted student groups: Latinx female students (Equity Plan) | 61% | 60% | 64% (4-percentage point increase to close equity gap in 3-years) |
Completion of both transfer-level Math and English within District in first year among disproportionately impacted groups: Latinx male students (Equity Plan) | 7% | 5% | 9% (i4-percentage point increase to close equity gap in 3-years) |
Transfer to any four-year institution among disproportionately impacted groups: African American male students (Equity Plan) |
11% | 8% | 12% (4-percentage point increase to close equity gap in 3-years) |
Transfer to any four-year institution among disproportionately impacted group: Latinx male students (Equity Plan) |
8% | 8% | 12% (4-percentage point increase to close equity gap in 3-years) |
Transfer to CSU and UC systems among disproportionately impacted groups: African American (VfS) |
37 | 47 | 65 (50% increase in 5-years) |
Transfer to CSU and UC systems among disproportionately impacted groups: Latinx (VfS) |
279 | 262 | 394 (50% increase in 5-years) |
Transfer to CSU and UC systems among disproportionately impacted groups: Pacific Islander (VfS) |
7 | 6 | 11 (75% increase in 5-years) |
Transfer to CSU and UC systems among disproportionately impacted groups: LGBT (VfS) |
40 | 29 | 51 (75% increase in 5-years) |
Transfer to CSU and UC systems among disproportionately impacted groups: Veteran (VfS) |
26 | 22 | 39 (75% increase in 5-years) |
Vision Goal Completion attainment (degree/certificate) among disproportionately impacted groups: African American female students (Equity Plan) | 2% | 2% | 3% (1-percentage point increase to close equity gap in 3-years) |
Attained the living wage among exited CTE students among disproportionately impacted groups: Female (VfS) | 52% | 52% | 60% (8-percentage point increase in 5-years) |
Attained the living wage among exited CTE students among disproportionately impacted groups: African American (VfS) | 39% | 37% |
47% (10-percentage point increase in 5-years) |
Attained the living wage among exited CTE students among disproportionately impacted groups: Latinx (VfS) | 46% | 44% | 54% (10-percentage point increase in 5-years) |
Attained the living wage among exited CTE students among disproportionately impacted groups: Pacific Islander (VfS) | 29% | 26% | 36% (10-percentage point increase in 5-years) |
Attained the living wage among exited CTE students among disproportionately impacted groups: Disabled (VfS) | 34% | 34% | 40% (6-percentage point increase in 5-years) |
Attained the living wage among exited CTE students among disproportionately impacted groups: First Gen (VfS) | 52% | 51% | 59% (8-percentage point increase in 5-years) |
Attained the living wage among exited CTE students among disproportionately impacted groups: Foster Youth (VfS) | 29% | 16% | 38% (22-percentage point increase in 5-years) |
Attained the living wage among exited CTE students among disproportionately impacted groups: Low Income (7.VfS) | 46% | 45% | 53% (8-percentage point increase in 5-years) |
- Baseline data is from 2017-18 for the Equity Plan and 2016-17 for Vision for Success (VfS), unless otherwise noted.
*Bachelor's degree average is calculated off 1-year data as Foothill began conferring Bachelor's degrees in Dental Hygiene in 2017-18.
**Transfer to any 4-year institution average is calculated off 3-year data due to the lag time with transfer data; 2017-18 data is not yet available.
***Median annual earnings average and Attained the living wage average are calculated off 3-year data due to lag time with employment wage data; 2017-18 data not available.
****Employed in job closely related to field of study is calculated off 2-year data due to lag time in employment data and survey collection; 2016-17/2017-18 data not available.
Vision Goal Completion attainment baseline is 2016-17 for VfS but 2017-18 for Equity Plan; Local goal setting default will be 2016-17 as baseline.
VfS = Chancellor's Office Vision for Success goal; Equity Plan goal requirement; ACCJC Annual Report metric
Data is reported for the most current time period available: